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What is the Office of Military and Defense and How Does it Help Florida?

About Us

What is the Office of Military and Defense and How Does it Help Florida?

It’s the entry point for all FloridaCommerce defense initiatives and more.

The Office of Military and Defense coordinates all FloridaCommerce defense related resources. These programs represent economic development programs combined with supporting two defense groups (the Florida Defense Support Task Force and the Florida Defense Alliance) to gain outside perspectives from retired military officers, state and local government representatives, and defense businesses.  Together these activities:

  • Fulfill the Governor’s and FloridaCommerce Secretary’s promise that Florida is the most military-friendly state for servicemembers, military retirees, and businesses
  • Protect Florida’s military installations from incompatible land development
  • Ensure Florida’s military bases and missions are seen as irreplaceable by the Department of Defense through strategic investments in the communities which host and support them

It Also Links Floridians to Additional State and Federal Resources

The Office of Military and Defense also connects servicemembers, military retirees, and defense businesses to a wealth of resources both at the state and federal level. Servicemembers and military retirees can find connections to helpful organizations like the Florida Department of Veterans Affairs to learn about veteran’s benefits and soon the Governor’s Initiative on Lawyers Assisting Warriors (GI LAW).

Defense businesses can also find valuable resources within the Florida Defense and Aerospace Portal, including:

  • Quickly finding defense contracting opportunities specific to Florida and help to compete for them
  • Finding and reviewing Federal grant opportunities
  • Researching past defense expenditures in Florida
  • Joining the Portal’s Defense Directory which provides exposure to Florida’s defense manufacturers and opportunities for collaboration between companies

The Office of Military and Defense is Ready to Help Your Organization

Contact the office at (850) 717- 8980 or mildefinfo@commerce.fl.gov or click below to find the assistance you or your organization needs.

A man wearing a suit and tie

Contact Us

Tim MacGregor Director of the Office of Military and Defense 850.717.8976 MilDefInfo@commerce.fl.gov
Contact Us

Contact Us

Ray Collins Office of Military and Defense (850) 717-8994 MilDefInfo@commerce.fl.gov
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